If one were to ask me to discuss the state of female representation in pop music, I'd probably ask them to cease and desist.
Apple is truly the devil, and they don’t even try to hide it. I mean they basically shoved it in your face. Hey, let’s call our latest attempt to be cool after a fruit.
Should we be Pineapple? No, too thorny.
Strawberry? Nah, too gay.
I know!! We’ll call it Apple!
Because those who don’t instantly associate us with images of teachers will of course be reminded of what caused the downfall of mankind, the apple that Eve ate. Well, at least they aimed high. And on the plus side, so far they’ve succeeded in their evil plan to take over and eventually destroy the world.
After creating a cult following for their ever updated range of mp3 players, they began sucking the world’s supply of music into the vortex named iTunes, and now? They’re stealing your soul using a armoury of addictive, and generally speaking, unknown songs. Now, I probably should mention at this point that I am spineless, and do actually have an iPod which is currently filled with songs I discovered through Apples TV ads.
And that’s why I hate them.
Because now I just have to think about the ad above and I get Asteroid Galaxy Tour’s ‘Around the Bend’ sending me… Well, around the bend actually. There’s something about this collection of addictively happy melodies, and a rocking drumbeat that has me waking up with the song repeating itself over…and over….and over again.
So because I believe that the best way to deal with pain is to spread it, I’ve taken the liberty of placing this mind enslaving song, advert and all, above. So enjoy what will be the last moments of peace and quiet your brain will ever have. Who says you need sanity when you can have music?